Monday, April 20, 2009

another stepping stone

this is a picture of my mother wearing my beanie, she didnt like how she looked in it.  but i thought it was cute so i took her picture.  we shared many hard times but i'm glad that i'm her daughter.  i'll truly miss her when she moves.  i hope she'll be okay in the cold weather.  i'm really worried for her.  i wish her happiness in her new home.  

another chapter of my life has opened up and i'm extremely anxious to start it.  my parents are relocating to portland, oregon at the end of this month and i'm being left here (in las vegas) since i only have another year left of school.  

yesterday i found a place to stay with a stranger that was nice enough to open her home to me.  after meeting her for a brief moment she already felt welcoming and warm.  im usually paranoid when it comes to strangers but i think she and i will get along really well.  

i feel like upon starting this new adventure of my life my youth will slowly deteriorate.  in about a week i will no longer be living with my parents.  i'm sure every 21 year old is excited to get out of the house but not me.  home with my parents is like a shelter and a protector.  after being out on my own i wont have that security.  

but new oportunities have arrived and a new beginning starts soon for me. and i'll embrace every moment with open arms and a open mind.   


Friday, April 17, 2009

genuine gestures.

it was cold today.  the weather decided to give vegas a taste of winter since summer is coming.  this is a picture of thursdays outfit... (i mainly posted this for my friend aron)...

senior year is approching and i've decided to take a full load of classes next fall.  amoung the classes include digital photography.  i had to manually sign up for the class so i went to the head professor to do so.  during our conversation she just stares at me and says "your are so sweet, whats your name?" i tell her and she sends back a "nice to meet you shaina."  

that simple gesture made my day.  i'm very happy that in a span of 2 minutes, someone can conclude how sweet i am..  i thank her for making me feel that.  


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

a long distance love.

this is my first post

My love lives in fullerton, and when i got back i procratinated on some homework to make him a little "care package".  we're the type of people that think that sentimental gifts are one of the greatest of them all.  

heres something that i've made him.  it still has to be completed.. i hope he enjoys it. i also included a picture of us eating.......may i also mention that WE (or I) loves to eat! yes! food is the way to my heart.  :] its a great thing... 

I just got back from california yesterday.  a mini vacation was really nice.  i needed it.  the drive to california i learned is one of the most relaxing things.  driving 4 hours from fullerton, ca to las vegas, nv made me learn to appreciate my own company.  many people (ones that i've spoken to) are so afraid to do anything by themselves, examples include: eating out to resturants, going to malls, or just anywhere the public eye can see you.  but the fact is.......your OWN company can be the best company you have
 i've learned to come to terms with that since i've lived in las vegas.  
