Friday, April 17, 2009

genuine gestures.

it was cold today.  the weather decided to give vegas a taste of winter since summer is coming.  this is a picture of thursdays outfit... (i mainly posted this for my friend aron)...

senior year is approching and i've decided to take a full load of classes next fall.  amoung the classes include digital photography.  i had to manually sign up for the class so i went to the head professor to do so.  during our conversation she just stares at me and says "your are so sweet, whats your name?" i tell her and she sends back a "nice to meet you shaina."  

that simple gesture made my day.  i'm very happy that in a span of 2 minutes, someone can conclude how sweet i am..  i thank her for making me feel that.  



  1. oh my goodness, i love where this blog is going!!

    i love how you said "the weather decided to give vegas a tatse of winter since summer is coming"


    "im very happy that in a span of 2 min., someone can conlude how sweet i am"

    thats wonderful shaina. well put

    love that outfit!
    good use of helvetica! yaaaa!

  2. hi Shaina! i came here from Aron's blog, and i've got to say, i like your blog too!

    i think the experience with your head professor is very heartwarming. i'm going to go into a university in a few months and i hope things will be as positive as that little kindness she gave you!

  3. Lovely blog
    Inspired me all the more as an artist and a fashion addict

    Kiss from Melbourne
